Other stuff you might like
I consume a lot more content than I produce. If you are interested in similar stuff to me, you might like some of it too. I have tried to categorise the content although there is often overlap. I hope this is helpful to you.
Used to do a lot of videos on Linux. Those old videos still great. Now probably falls more under general interest.
Side note: He is a great guy. Got to meet him in real life and talk quite a bit on Discord.
Josuhua Crew
Lots of linux-y things
Brodie Robertson
Videos about Linux and surrounding areas
Greg Hurrell
Mostly videos on Vim and some tools he uses with Vim.
Home Assistant / Smart Home
Put ESPs in all the things. Very useful if you want to get into electronics.
Side note: Seems like a great guy in Discord!
Speak to the Geek
Product reviews - focus on heating systems and energy, but covers other stuff.
Self Hosted
Podcast about self hosting. Talks a lot about home automation.
Everything Smart Home
Mostly product reviews and home assistant tutorials
Darknet Diaries
Interviews with hackers (white and black hat) as well as discussing famous hacks etc.
Hacking tutorials
Mostly walkthroughs on Hack The Box machines but also some education videos about different topics.
Malicious Life
Another podcast discussing hacking and related fields
General Tech
Informative videos about different computing topics.
Level1 Tech
Hardware reviews, weekly news roundup, tutorial videos
General Interest
Mostly mathematical videos. Includes a brilliant playlist on basic calculus
CGP Grey
Informative, well researched videos on lots of topics (although often opinionated)
Informative, well researched videos on lots of topics
Minute Physics
Science videos. Mostly physics and applied maths.
Videos about maths.
Stuff You Should Know
Podcasts about all sorts of interesting things. From disappearing aeroplanes to the Rubik cube
Science videos, mostly physics and applied maths.
Yuval Noah Harari
An author who has written books on Anthropology, history, current events and likely future events. Fascinating books.